We did a bulk import of GeoBase data provided by the Canadian
government a while ago. I've been pondering and procrastinating on how
to go about modifying the data without destroying it.

The GeoBase import has a lot of information included with the ways.
One piece of information is the UUID, a unique identifier for that
particular way. We are told that the UUID needs to be kept with the
way for future cross reference for future updates, as well as so that
the Canadian government can find places where the OSM community fixes
GeoBase problems.

So, there are a number of issues that I am struggling with...

1) Modifying a way to add more detail/realign to reality.

This one is easy, as you won't be destroying any data, only
adding/moving nodes so that the way represents real world data better.

2) Deleting a way that does not exist anymore.

Not too hard here either, if new construction has destroyed an old
way, it needs to be removed.

3) Adding new ways.

New construction, or areas missed by GeoBase need to be added.

4) Modification of existing ways that may destroy or highly modify data.

This is where the quandary occurs. Things like chopping up a way to
add bridges, or to realign an intersection, or other such
modifications... do we just go about our editing with little regard
for the existing data, or should we attempt to keep as much GeoBase
data as possible? If we are to keep as much data as possible, what's
the procedure?

Maybe I have answered my question with 1, 2 and 3 above. Maybe I keep
part of the existing way where it describes the way properly, or
modifying it so it does, delete the rest of it, and then treat it all
like new construction.


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