Hi Frank & talk-ca list,

...Nice to have a little break from wifi (im in Tofino, the surfing capital
of Canada) i dont surf but it was nice to see :)   ... and wifi is wonkey at
the Hostel here.. but coffee shops have wifi, so i can still get work

Anyway,  I got an answer last night..

Ok that would work,
Regarding multi-polygons.  I'll create 2 separate rules.txt files with 1
having just 'outer' (having tags), and the other just 'inner'. In ALL (I
think) cases, the wholes do get filled in with 'something'

I'll check with Daniel on that, but I think that its true for all cases with

Re: canvec roads

I was asking if you think that they should be included and available as an
extra 'resource'.

So then the odd road that someone else might have missed when running
through with geobase2osm, can be added in.

Also, it could be available so people can adjust the position of the
originally traced roads (as needed).




P.S.... i havent tried it, but will do (in the next few days),   (i have
some actual mapping to get done here 1st) :-)
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