> >   
> I am afraid it won't happen unless there is a landslide of support for
> Barcelona during the FOSS4G. It might still happen in Barcelona, but not
> during the FOSS4G apparently.
> Emilie Laffray

Hi Emilie,

I do not understand your first sentence.  FOSS4G is already scheduled
for Barcelona ??  I know zilch about the organization of SoTM (and of
talks between SoTM and FOSS4G organizers, if any), but really we need
that landslide to happen.  I've been attending most FOSS4G conferences
since even before they began to be called "FOSS4G" in 2006 and if OSM is
looking for natural adepts that vibrate at the ideas of FOSS and free
data, then there is no more to the point crowd than the FOSS4G one.  So
folks out there : please spread the word that FOSS4G and SoTM
communities MUST meet.  This really is in the best interest (and fun!)
of both communities (which BTW overlap quite a bit).  

I never attended SoTM.  Not out of interest, but rather because I can't
be freed for 2 weeks for FOSS conferences.  I'd like to go to PyCon too,
but I won't go because I already attend the one FOSS conference I value
most.  A FOSS4G/PyCon merger, although interesting, resonates no where
as strong as a SoTM/FOSS4G merger.

My 2-cents-of-hope,


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