Oh ya, just looking a bit more at toporama,
you'll notice the different Indian Reserves, if you decide to copy that,
it's important to keep the # that is listed on the label.
Also, the .osm file of the polygons (which also have the name) will be able
sometime soon. As user:Neskie is working on that. Some of the reserves in
Ontario have been converted, but i dont have an original source file for
that yet.

For now, (since im working on other things) i'll leave the script making to
the pros (those who know python, as i need a break from that).  :-)
I also want to put some time & effort into my Across Canada Trails project
too :)

So of course, if anyone volunteers to do some conversions of other data
thats available, please pass on the link to where the source .osm files are
stored, then i'll update the chart.

Also, if people are using this WMS layer, please indicate on the chart of
what areas your working in :) (or mention it on this list, and i'll updade
the chart for you)

Sam Vekemans
OSM Canada Import Coordinator :)

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Sam Vekemans

> Cool,
> Thanks, i'll try it out :)
> and all the features you see on it are available via. CanVec2osm &
> maybe a bit more.
> I think that this is handy for local area mappers for sure.
> The tracing wont be the same as actually copying the geometry directly
> (the geometry is identical to whats available (it was is the same
> source), but it might be easier than taking the learning curve and be
> able to cross-reference that everything means.
> The icons that nrcan uses are a bit different than what OSM has, and
> if OSM doesnt have it yet, i have it listed in the chart.
> Thanks,
> I'll be broadcasting the method to get the WMS layer on my next
> tinychat.com/Acrosscanada show :)
> Just need to remember to add the attribution tag indicating that it
> came from 'Natural Resources Canada'
> (adding came from 'geobase' would be incorrect)
> Indicating that it came from source=toporama would be also great to.
> I would indicate that on the changeset (hopefully JOSM will have that
> preset available soon)
> cheers,
> Sam
> P.S. Austin, are there other options for WMS layers? or is this that
> we have to work with available (as the best available?)
> On 11/24/09, Austin Henry <ahenry-...@canoe.staticcling.org> wrote:
> > I thought I'd share A little tidbit that I've been finding useful lately
> > while editing.  It's a WMS url for Toporama (aka geogratis data).  It is
> > really nice for use in JOSM while tracing GPS tracks.
> >
> >
> http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en?LAYERS=limits%2Cvegetation%2Cdesignated_areas%2Chydrography%2Chypsography%2Cfeature_names&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&;
> >
> > It's got the Limits, Vegetation, Designated Areas, Hydrography,
> > Hypsography and Feature Names layers turned on, and makes a nice base
> > map for me.  Their site has lots more information on what all the layers
> > are, in case that list was greek (I was to me until I read their site).
> >
> > peace,
> >       Austin.
> >
> > --
> > Build a man fire, he'll be warm for a day.
> > Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
> >
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