Nicolas Gignac wrote:
> Yeah, I know, but as an overlays it is still showing what it can be 
> integrated into OSM, it is a good start!!!
> What is your strategy to clear legal details?
> If you need help stay in touch with me, because I am working in the 
> government of Quebec and I know really well the people at the 
> Ministère des Ressources Naturelles du Québec.
> I will send them the link of Frank this week and explain to them the 
> possibility it can bring to free some of their data.
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
Hi Nicolas,

There is not really a strategy, only that you can ask them if they agree 
that their data is contributed to OpenStreetMap, under the CC-BY-SA 
license. See [1] and [2] for more details.

Since the use of the Open Database License (ODbL) is under way for quite 
a while now, and a decision should be taken quite soon, it would also be 
good to check if they agree that the ODbL will be applied on their data 
in the future.

It is also strongly recommended to get the eventual agreement in 
writing. That doesn't need to be a paper letter, but can also by e-mail. 
The import will be done under a separate account, so in case any 
problems might arise, this data can be removed without too much trouble.

Since you're working for the government of Quebec, you likely know the 
best which person(s) / department(s) to contact. In case they would like 
to see examples, you can refer to the Geobase / Canvec import. 
Furthermore, [3] lists a lot of examples of imports.

Regards, and thanks in advance for picking this up,



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