Well... 'cutline' is defined as a 'way' in the canvec data, although
it is really an area. As 'landuse=clear_cut' (or natural=clear_cut;

Usually, in accessable areas, there is an 'unofficial' path that gets
warn down after use.
In the summer, these become great Motercycle/ATV tracks & in the
summer, it makes for great landuse debate with the Hiking, cycling &
Equestrian community. ... Getting the land owner(s) all confused. ....
As its the beavers property to begin with. :@)

Since we dont tag for the render.
A 'cutline' which it actually is, can be tagged as 'man_made=cutline'

I'll check the canvec features & make a new message about that. ...
And slightly more sensable at that.

Thanks for bringing that up :-)

But im sure someone else can ACTUALLY answer the origional question.


On 2/20/10, James Ewen <ve6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Sam Vekemans
> <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So my sence is that ice roads should be tagged as a 'route' and
>> rendered the same way that a ferry route is.
>> I hope that helps, the wiki needs to be fixed for that one.
> Nope... no help at all really. How do you define a route? You would
> need a way to attach the route to. What are you going to tag the way
> as? Can you define a route with seasonal access attributes?
> The road is only a cutline in the trees during the summer, with a base
> of dirt and muskeg. In the winter the snow is graded, and frost driven
> into the ground to create a roadway so that logging trucks and other
> vehicles can access the area.
> James
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