Whats a Toporama?

Hi all,
On Wednesday April 7th @ 2pm and 7pm in Sidney, BC meeting up at the
Serious Coffee.

I think its about time to bring on a little friendly competition :-)

" and 1st place goes to .... Ralf Wiggam"

I figure i'll set it for both times, so then more chance the 9-5
people can show up :-)
And if you cant get there until 8pm thats OK too, but the place closes
@9pm. So there could still be time to get questions answered.

We have TONNES of FAQs "Mapping Action Heros" to go over ~ and i have
a tendency to go off-topic  :-)
... So an agenda helps ... In no particular order ...

-announce IRC & explain usefullness
-and discussion lists@ 'whoIS?'
-web-mail (email respond hides address)
-toporama demonstrating FAQ
-canvec .osm files "dropping-in"
-NTS tiles system
-geobase data FAQ
-OpenJUMP automatch /shp files
-gpsvisualizer FAQ
-about 'Bulk_implopping'
-Namaimo data
-Van Island proposed cycle network FAQ
-why Tofino is the actual west coast
-walking-papers FAQ
-OpenOrenteringMA map
-Maperitive (kosmos)
-mapgen.pl (progress)
-openmtbmap.org (garmin typ files)
-photo mapping (openstreetView open trail view, Images)
-groundtruth -Garmin Maps Goal
-Haiti progress
-opendirectory map (need url)
-tourist map competition
-university map competition
-google earth POI/kml layers
-wms layers (explain how MapServer works with Ontario Trails example)
-local cycling/hiking network
-ibuntumatu FAQ
-track sharing
-general OSM hacks
-goals for 2012
-tagging methods
- & stuff i didnt know :-)

I'll set up a 'event.IT' (or whatever that site is called)

Hopefully there is some interest :-)


p.s. The agenda is just ideas, it depends on who shows up ... And
sure,  mapping can get done too :)

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
OpenStreetMap IRC: http://irc.openstreetmap.org

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