Hi all,
As an addition to the NRCan Natural protected areas .osm file i
announced the other day, we now have access to those other parks that
are not listed in the 7 .osm zip file set.
These are at a scale of 1:1 million, but better than not having the
data. (so 1/2 as good, but in some cases you cant tell the difference)

Adam Dunn put together a link for both the park names & the polygons.
Just add/remove features as you like.


(it's also handy to have as a backdrop for when your looking at the
Natural Protected Area's file.

I made a wiki page for it, listing the scale and what tags are most recommended.
The license looks to be super.

Whats nifty is that there is a National Marine protected area way out
in the pacific, but still in Canada waters.

You can see on the 'int_bounds' layer that Canada extends out that far.

 ... i didn't adjust the geobase boundary as i want to make sure that
others agree on it 1st.  Perhaps this could be drawn as the 'Canadian
International waters boundary' or something?


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