I'm Itching to get a HackFest / Mapping parting going some time real soon.
There is TONNES of stuff going on & lots of new mappers around.
(I just checked the 'mappers around me' and see a whole bunch).

ie. .. CVRD data is being loaded in, the Provincial Parks/national parks are
loaded in.  Alot of stuff is being traced from Toporama & geobase NHN is
available as WMS.  .. and there is a few other WMS layers & data from
GeoBase (aboriginal lands & boundaries) that need to be looked at.

So i was hoping to get a HackFest going so we can plow through some of this
stuff & show people what all is available :-) ... and and share cool new
apps that others might not know about.

So i want to send out a message to everyone, (all Local area mappers) with a
set date/time.   & others who can help explain stuff to the newer mappers
who show up.

Is it easier to host it on IRC #osm-ca? Or Skype?  Day time or evening?


P.S.   Ya... unfortunately, im not the best one for setting these up. .. as
this is yet another attempt :)
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