And then for the encore, use the Google Earth OSM poi kml overlay and
customize it to only list 'amenity=drinking_fountain' and use the GE
OSM kml map overlays with 25% transparent & Yahoo imagery in the

If that doesnt impress, might try singing solo.

The links are hidden on the 'image' wiki page.


On 4/24/10, john whelan <> wrote:
> They had a meeting in our city hall today.  What they appear to be doing is
> taking a list of locations in a spreadsheet format such as drinking
> fountains then overlaying them on top of Google maps using an icon.
> Moderately lightweight stuff that needs little understanding of the data but
> can be done rapidly.
> For example one "application" was playing back the buses passing a bus stop,
> the application used the data file speeded up and went ping or beep and to
> play a small tune.
> The reason I've posted in both CA and Newbies is we don't appear to have the
> same capabilities in OpenStreetMap unless I'm missing something and their
> applications use Google Map as a background image and sticks the icons in on
> top.  Anyone have any knowledge of what they are doing or how they are doing
> it?
> I did notice that 9 out of 10 computers were mac notebooks of one type or
> another so we probably aren't talking terribly technical stuff here, but if
> it could be done using OpenStreetMap as a basis that might be worth
> following up as they do seem to be good at hype.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks
> Cheerio John

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