OK this is really starting to bother me.   Roads are scary!!!

I tried seeing if I could take two CanVec block and merge them with existing roads.   Well I created a mess and ended up deleting the blocks.   CanVec data has many little differences... ie: where the nodes are, barriers, location of the roads, the break points between grids, road names... see below (grey CanVec), purple GPS, and orange existing GeoBase.   I even had an entire section in a ski resort that the GeoBase had no names (15 ways), where CanVec does and has road barriers too.  I have a feeling the GeoBase uploaded to Ontario was something like V5.0 where the CanVec is V6.0 data.  Every difference I've found has proven to be more accurate.

I have to make like 500-1000 changes per grid if I try to modify existing GeoBase.   If I do it the other way around, and replace the GeoBase.. I'm finding I have 20, if any, changes per grid.  With 500+ changes my change of making a mistake --like not connecting the roads properly for routing-- increase.   CanVec roads line up and connect perfectly with CanVec roads, and other CanVec data.

So my question here:

How much of a problem is it if I miss tags like "one-way" or move a road that was placed via something other than GPS trails.   By replacing the GeoBase/Yahoo roads, then adding and connecting the few that CanVec is missing?  Plus adding the few tags that I find. 

Personally I see more benefit to using CanVec road data.  Like the screen shot below, CanVec Road Network,  lines up with GeoBase 90% of the time and Yahoo maybe 25%.  In every case I've seen CanVec data lines up better with GPS data.   Also the CanVec data is going to line up better with other objects in CanVec, like forests, green spaces, and address information.   It's just way eaiser to replace the existing roads with CanVec, then modify the CanVec to fit any problems, than the other way around.

I just don't want to piss anyone off here.   I've done 70 tiles so far and just wanted to get keep going/no go from the community before I continue. 

Example #1

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