When I look at the cyclemap, I see red lines (NCN) and light blue lines
(RCN) for the Route Verte.  I also see red lines tagged as RCN (I suspect
that the cyclemap rendering has not been updated for a while - my changes
made almost 3 weeks ago are not still there).

There was a discussion 2 years ago about "Biking network in Canada":

Now, I would like to document the Route Verte #5 between Quebec and

Do we tag the Route Verte as NCN or RCN?

For me,
Route Verte is National.
Regional are route within a region (like La piste Dansereau-La Liseuse
between Ste-Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier and Pont-Rouge or the St-Henri /
Armagh new cycleway).
LCN are within a municipality.

But I will go with the group (as long as we are consistent ...).

Maybe the subject has already been discussed and decided.  If so, is it
documented somewhere?

Thank you ...

PS: Ça me fait drôle d'expliquer ma patente en anglais ...


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