
Have you considered using the 1:20k data published by the Manitoba government? I think the license is compatible with OSM's, but you'd have to have a look at it.

https://mli2.gov.mb.ca/  (free registration required for downloading)
(Click on "Topographic Maps" -> "1:20,000 Seamless")

The transportation file has roads with 10 to 20 classes....

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

Tyler Gunn wrote:
I'm ALMOST done importing the entirety of the 062N* area of Canvec data
and wanted to pass along something I observed:

The Canvec data had all the numbered roads listed as Primary.  However, in
the case of MB the general rule is 1-2 digit road numbers are "Provincial
Trunk Highways" (ie primary), and 3 digit road numbers are "Provincial
Roads" (ie secondary).  Easy enough to fix.

The one that I'm somewhat mixed on is the classification of all the minor
roads in rural MB; Canvec has all the all the gray roads in the example
link above listed as "tertiary".  Given that I know these roads to be
nothing more than dirt/gravel roads between farm properties I have
downgraded the lot of them to highway=unclassified.
Given the definition of unclassified roads, I felt this to be more
From the wiki:
In a rural context, these can be distinguished from tertiary roads by:
    1 lack of (or lower) classification (if your country has a
classification level for tertiary)
    2 being narrow, such that vehicles must slow down to pass in opposite
    3 being unpaved (in larger/poorer countries)
    4 being more for access than for through-traffic between towns and
2,3, and 4 definitely apply for these roads.

I figure this makes sense and just wanted to see if anyone else noticed
this type of thing with the Canvec data in their areas.


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