On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 20:44:34 -0700, Sam Vekemans
<acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> The Manitoba Data is a live dataset that is continiously being
> updated, just like canvec, so it isn't a one-time import.

Well, the data I was importing would be a one-time import; it's building
outlines from the MLI data.
They also have political boundaries for towns/cities in MB.

> You might also want to message legal talk and the imports list about it.
> Also, the imports page requests to make samples available for review.
> (knowone really knows what 'formal discussion required' actually
> means... lol.

I will have to do that then.  I have already imported some data from the
MB lands building outlines data, and also the MB city/town boundaries.  So
that's probably enough sample data to look at.

> I dont know if it's compatable with Odbl, since changes are not given
> back. ....
> :)

Lol.  I'm sure they'll survive. :)

> .... why does some datasets require strict approval, yet others are
> 'in significant'? Why should size of the database matter?

I hadn't noticed that clause in there.  Hmm

> What map features are available from this dataset?
Build outlines, Cadastral data, landuse, low res out of date satellite
data, town plans (good for naming), and boundaries of cities/towns.

The outlines and boundaries are of interest to me at the moment.


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