The mix of natual=water and natural=coastline is because their dual objects. The natural=coastline is needed as the great lakes (as far as I know) is connected to the ocean. So deleting the coastline would delete portions of the Atlantic Ocean.

What I'm doing is enclosing the Canadian side of the great lakes, (object (which needs to be loaded in sections in JOSM)

My reasons:
1. Coastline's need to be complete to render properly. So if your loading Toronto island (Lake Ontario) into a system, you have to pull half the worlds oceans to get it to render properly... as with incomplete data a rendering engine can't till which side contains the water. Having a enclosed relation allows you to pull just that area. 2. It's currently impossible to tell if a coastline object is fully enclosed inside JOSM editing. But if you have a enclosed relation object (with type natural=water) where just one side is the coastline. You can easily tell by downloading the relation (aka 1120169)
3.  Naming.   Can't name a sting of coastline as easy as a single relation.

As for coastlines inland (like Lake Simcoe) make absolutely no sense to me as it's not a coastline. So my thought, if you have a natural=water object that more accurately represents the body of water... use it to replace the interior coastline.

But that's just my take...

On 22/09/10 12:46 PM, Nakor wrote:

The relation in question is but hit a wall here. I cannot modify it (both Potlatch and JOSM time out). Isle Royale (which was my initial concern) is still missing on a couple zoom levels.

Before I continue trying to fix this it seems there are a mix of natural=water and natural=coastline for the Great Lakes. I'd like to have this consistent over the Great Lakes but am not sure which one to use. Please comment which one would be better/worse and why?



On 9/20/2010 10:20 AM, G. Michael Carter wrote:
It was brought to my attention there was some problems in Lake Superior area, but the problems seem to be all over the great lakes. There's a user, who's name I don't have handy, creating massive relationship objects of the great lakes. I think this might be sinking a lot of the islands. The island objects were last modified by this user in the cases I checked.

However, if you refresh the mapnik (aka /dirty) the tiles everything seems to be refreshing ok. Just wanted to let people know. If you find some area underwater refresh the tiles, before investigating.


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