i also tweeted about it yesterday

Sam Vekemans
@acrosscanada Sam Vekemans
[CivicAccess-discuss] What's doing in Montreal? Re: Montréal Ouvert in
the Gazette #opengov #montreal #quebec #canada http://post.ly/1G8Lk
19 hours ago via Posterous

Perhaps a way to help is to join in the existing movement for opening up data?

On a provincial level, we know that they get their data updates from
the municipal level.  So working with focus on the municipal level,
helps 'push the envelope' a little further.

what i have found is that it actually takes multiple people from
multiple backgrounds to continue to simply 'just ask' , sending
comments directly to the provincial/regional/municipal  governments,
and in your own words, just simply ask why they are not following the
lead of what other provinces/regional/municipal governments already
are doing. :)

On a provincial level, im certain that they already know that they
need to change their ways and the 'protectionism of geodata' does need
to change.    But this just takes time.  .. and they need to be
reminded :)
Similar to how the concept of 'email' took a very long time to spread
across all governments. :) ... if enough people ask... then they will
deliver :)


Across Canada Trails - Beyond 2017 - The National Trails Network
Victoria, BC Canada

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
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On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Sam Vekemans
<acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> There already is a 'significant' amount of boundary data that is
> already available from statsCAN, it just hasn't been imported into
> osm.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Statistics_Canada_%28StatsCAN%29
> http://www.mediafire.com/?jlr1vicrvpc0nbm  (direct download)
> Have you had a chance to review it yet?
> It's been converted to .osm format and in the correct 'french name 1st 
> default'.
> cheers,
> sam
> On 11/28/10, Pierre (Code PierZen) <infosbelas-...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> J'ai vu des discussions datant de janvier sur l'import des données de
>> limites administratives du Québec. Ceci semble de toute évidence stagner.
>> Ces donnés sont pourtant essentielles tant pour décrire le Québec que pour
>> une recherche efficace de lieux, etc.
>> S'il est exact que nous ne pouvons toujours pas obtenir ces données
>> gratuitement et sans restriction d'usage, je propose que le travail de
>> cartographie accompli à date nous serve de fer de lance pour séduire le
>> député de Sherbrooke et premier-ministre du Québec.
>> La région de Sherbrooke, au Québec, est en quelque sorte un projet-pilote
>> pour l'import des données CANVEC dans OSM. Ce évidemment grâce au travail de
>> Daniel Bégin et du support de Ressources naturelles Canada.  On voit le vert
>> s'étendre de jour en jour sur la carte. La carte Hike & Bike Map nous permet
>> également de voir des éléments essentiels au tourisme en Estrie, les pistes
>> cyclables et les sentiers de randonnée.
>> Je propose que les collaborateurs OSM du Québec envoient une lettre à
>> Monsieur Charest présentant le progrès accompli par la cartographie libre
>> OSM, en fasse ressortir l'importance pour le tourisme, l'environnement etc.
>> et demandent l'obtention gratuite et sans restriction d'utilisation pour les
>> données administratives du Québec ayant une grande importance pour la
>> cartographie du Québec.
>> Il faudrait évidemment décrire les différentes données attendues, soit
>> notamment
>> Limites administratives (MRC, Régions administratives, Communautés urbaines,
>> municipalités, etc.)
>> Les bassins versants de rivières.
>> Pierre
>> (Codename PierZen)
>> I have seen discussions dating from january on importing administrative data
>> for Quebec. This seems obviously stagnate. These data are neverthless
>> crucial both to describe the Quebec as to make efficient search of
>> localities, etc.
>> If this is true that we cannot obtain such data for free and unrestricted
>> use, I propose that the mapping work done to date serve as a spearhead to
>> seduce the Deputy for Sherbrooke and Prime Minister of Québec.
>> We can say that the area of Sherbrooke, Quebec, is a kind of pilot project
>> to import CANVEC data in OSM. This was a massive contribution from the
>> federal government. And this obviously through the work of Daniel Bégin and
>> support from Natural Resources Canada. We see the green spread daily on the
>> OSM map.  The specialized Hike & Bike Map also allows us to see some
>> essential elements of tourism in the Eastern Townships, bike paths and
>> hiking trails.
>> I propose that employees OSM Quebec send a letter to Mr. Charest's
>> presenting then OSM mapping progress and brings out the importance for
>> tourism,  environment etc., and require obtaining administrative data  from
>> Quebec government free and with unrestricted.
>> We should mention how this is of great importance for the mapping of
>> Quebec.
>> We would obviously describe different expected data, including either
>> Administrative boundaries (MRC, Administrative Regions, Urban Communities,
>> municipalities, etc.)
>> The catchment areas of rivers.
>> Pierre
>> (Codename PierZen)
> --
> Twitter: @Acrosscanada
> Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
> http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
> Skype: samvekemans
> IRC: irc://irc.oftc.net #osm-ca Canadian OSM channel (an open chat room)
> @Acrosscanadatrails

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