On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:

> I've heard from mappers elsewhere, that they have non-dispensing
> pharmacies with off-the-shelf notions, as well as over-the-counter
> medicines.  Apparently dispensing prescription medicines is an
> additional qualification not found in every pharmacy.
> So I guess (really, I'm just guessing here) that we don't have places
> where your can get over-the-counter medicine, that does not also
> include prescription medicines.  So other jurisdictions may have two
> levels of pharmacist licenses, one for over the counter, and another
> for prescription.  Or something like that.

Okay, then 7-11 would be a pharmacy as the sell Tylenol, Robitussin,
Dimetap ect. The local gas station would fall into the same category
selling Aspirin.

Goofy people across the pond, huh?


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