(sorry if im a broken record)
I know that Daniel and the NRCan-CanVec data team are desparatly
trying to figure out a way to be able to get the 'omissions' and
'remissions' data to help make the CanVec product better.

Perhaps the folks at Linz are already in Contact with NRCan? ... as we
(in Canada) also want to give back changes to help make canvec better.

The OSM licence is restrictive for it, but this is where CommonMap can
be of help in bridging the gap.

I know that Steve Coast does not want OSM to be giving back changes to
the government, as SA cannot be truely respected at the government
... only if OSM was ccBY then it can be possable.

... so it appears to be a yammer.
(closed loop twitter).

Perhaps someone can find flaws in my logic?


On 12/5/10, Hamish <hamish.bow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hamish:
>>> ok, so perhaps we should have two tags for that: LINZ:merged=V16 for
>>> things which got merged with existing OSM features, and
>>> LINZ:corrected=V16 for things that were blatantly wrong in the LINZ
>>> V16 dataset. (I probably wouldn't bother tagging cosmetic /
>>> cartographer's license adjustments of only a few metres).
> Rob:
>> Can't we skip the LINZ:corrected tag & just check the V16 coordinates
>> against where the feature ended up in OSM?
> I'd like a way to separate & flag errors which should be specifically
> reported back to LINZ, from minor cosmetic tweaks which are probably
> just taking things to a finer map scale than the 1:50k which LINZ is
> interested in for their topo maps, or just gratuitous edits.
> maybe it's the tags which get changed and not the lat/lons? sometimes
> a simple distance threshold for all doesn't cut it: 7m off on a
> divided motorway vs the same distance off in the wops somewhere...?
> another point is that as time goes on the osm data will get bumped
> around more and more, either on purpose or by mistake. (dragging
> entire way instead of a single node is a pretty easy snafu in josm and
> merkaartor)
> I guess we'll figure this out as we go.
> Hamish
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