Hi everyone.  Though I've communicated with a few of you on this mailing list 
directly, I thought I'd take a few moments to introduce myself to everyone else 
as a sort of newcomer to OSM.

I say a "sort of" newcomer, since I first discovered OSM a year or two ago, and 
fiddled around with adding a few amenities here and there, but never really 
became more significantly involved until recently.  Here's a bit of 

I'm not a professional cartographer, GIS expert, or anything like that... but I 
have been an mapping enthusiast for pretty much forever.  As an astronomer 
(amateur mostly now, but having worn the "professional" hat for a few years), I 
was frustrated at the time by the lack of accuracy in astronomical simulation 
software, so took on the project of writing commercial software that, among 
other things, mapped more than 20 million celestial objects considering all 
kinds of subtle effects to their apparent positions.  After the experience of 
doing that, I was hooked on mapping in general, and the science of figuring out 
where things are.  I've since come somewhat back to Earth and have been 
involved with GPS since the years where Selective Availability was an issue to 
contend with (which dates myself :-), both on the hardware side (some of you 
have recognized me from being the Canadian distributor for Garmin-compatible 
plugs), as well as the software side (I've written software for carrier phase, 
cm-level positioning for single frequency OEM GPS boards).  At least on the 
Earth, things stay relatively still :-)

I then spent several years on non-mapping projects, which still take up the 
majority of my time, but have recently been able to sideline back into the 
arena with iPhone/iPad/iPod mapping software I'm currently developing, using 
OSM data - a cacheable, topographical map of the Earth.  The project has 
involved setting up our own slippy map server merging OSM data with high 
resolution contour vector information and hillshaded raster data, and of course 
significantly tweaking the stylesheet for map rendering to remain visible and 
"appealing" over the additional elevation information.  We're in the testing 
phases now, so it's not quite ready for release yet - I anticipate a month or 
two.  The intent is to have this first foray into the iPhone/iPad/iPod world to 
serve as a jumping off point for other location-based ideas we have.

And of course, getting more involved with OSM data for the project I'm working 
on has made me become much more active on doing my small part to continue to 
improve the resource.  Pretty much any time I travel anywhere, a GPS track log 
follows me (sometimes on several devices), and I'm not the sort of person to 
let that information go to waste, so I'm often tweaking bits and pieces of OSM 
data in my neck of the world from that.  I've also gotten more involved 
recently in the merging of Canvec data around Alberta into OSM, and will likely 
continue to do so in places I'm familiar with (Alberta and BC mostly).  I'm 
using JOSM, and am always interested in hearing tips others have learned in 
terms of streamlining the process of adding information while at the same time 
being faithful to the data already available in OSM which is often (though not 
always) of better quality or utility than Canvec on its own.

In any case, that's my story in a nutshell.  I've been lurking here on the 
sidelines of OSM for long enough, so thought that now would be as good a time 
as any to say "hi"!

Syzygy Research & Technology
Box 83, Legal, AB  T0G 1L0 Canada
Phone: 780-961-2213

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