I'm proposing to import the UBC buildings, available at


This import will be done carefully, comparing imported data with existing
data by hand, and may involve follow-up site surveys in case of conflicting



The data is dual-licensed as CC-BY-SA and ODbl by UBC.



Buildings will be tagged with building=yes, name=(value of name_at),
ubc:building_num=(value of number), source=UBC Plant Ops 2011


Data quality:

The data agrees with bing aerial imagery, GPS traces, and BC Government
Openmaps imagery within the resolution of the imagery, after correcting for
building lean in the imagery.


The data is of *ground* level building outlines. The many overpasses will be
dealt with in the import process.


Import process:

The buildings will be compared with existing OSM data, and the way which
better represents the building will be kept. Tags will be merged, with any
conflicts followed up by a site survey as there are some disagreements about
names of minor buildings. Existing building entrances nodes will be merged
onto any new buildings, as with any connecting ways. It's a lot of work, but
the only way to get an import like this right.


Imports will be done from pnorman_imports


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