Hi Dan,

Your procedure sounds pretty similar to mine, and working around
Kamloops likely is equivalent in terms of the kinds of features we

You probably do this as well, but before running the validator, I step
around the edge of the import and connect streams, powerlines, and
anything else that I think needs connecting.  The auto-fix on duplicate
nodes just seems to merge the nodes but doesn't combine the ways.  As
you, I very rarely have found the need to import a road as previous
GeoBase or other imports have already provided the same information. 

I simplify some features as well (streams and some lake shorelines
mostly) but I try to remember to simplify before merging the selection
onto the OSM layer.  Simplifying later often gives the warning that you
are deleting nodes outside the uploaded data area.  If I get a conflict,
this is where it happens. 

You do, however, seem to have much better luck than I have had on failed
imports.  On 4 or 5 different occasions, an upload has hung (sometimes
for hours) and a cancel has resulted in nodes only (no way information)
being uploaded to the server.  This behavior is quite consistent.  The
result is 6-8,000 isolated nodes blasted across the import block.  I've
then had to download the area from OSM and manually remove each node.
Rather frustrating.  I don't know the ins and outs of the OSM backend,
but could you be picking up errors at that point?  JOSM never seems to
"sort it out" for me.   :(

Sam L
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