The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is on another deployment to
Haiti.  They have been making periodic trips to Haiti since the
earthquake there last year.  The goal has been to coach Haitians in
mapping so that they may continue to improve the map of Haiti in OSM.
OSM Haiti contributors include members of the Haitian GIS community,
as well as community advocates and the usual, broad spectrum of
interested parties that we see in OSM.

Recently they have been learning about mapping from aerial imagery.
Today it is reported that the OSM community in Haiti is helping to map
from aerial imagery for the emergency responses in Japan and Libya.

Photos and the original report from Mikel.

About two weeks ago, we were in the midst of crisis mapping in
Christchurch, NZ after the Earthquake there.  I did a summary of the
contributions in a substantial portion of Christchurch and found that
OSM user ikiya was far and away the most active contributor to tracing
buildings and other infrastructure.

Ikiya is in Japan, and tweeting regularly.  If you get a chance to do
some crisis mapping for Sendai, I'm sure our friends in the Japanese
OSM community will appreciate it.  Keep on top of the Sendai resources
via the wiki.

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