Hi Duncan,

Yes, we haven't tested much on IE, and I don't know any OpenLayers developers. Mind you the CommonMap code base was forked off OSM's some months ago. We might be able to pull a later version over from the OSM git repository.

You don't happen to know anyone who can assist?


On 14/03/2011 9:33 PM, Duncan Jackson wrote:


Great idea, but it doesn't seem to like IE (surprise!)...this is the error :

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C)

Timestamp: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:29:14 UTC

Message: 'undefined' is null or not an object

Line: 101

Char: 83

Code: 0

URI: http://api.development.i386.commonmap.org/openlayers/OpenLayers.js?1295751563

Best Regards, Duncan

*From:* aust-nz-boun...@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:aust-nz-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Brendan Morley
*Sent:* Monday, 14 March 2011 6:26 PM
*To:* talk-ca@openstreetmap.org; osgeo...@lists.osgeo.org; geod...@lists.osgeo.org; disc...@lists.osgeo.org; aust...@lists.osgeo.org
*Cc:* Sam Vekemans; Baden
*Subject:* [Aust-NZ] CommonMap in Canada

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know that the CommonMap initiative is still alive, as am I.

To recap, CommonMap will be a collaboration and repository of liberally-licensed geodata (without share-alike) - accessible though an OpenStreetMap-style interface. We will accept Creative Commons Attribution, CC0 and public domain geodata contributions, depending on your jurisdiction. We expect it will find fresh acceptance in the "Gov 2.0" movement, since it allows governments to redistribute contributions from the community. We also are quite happy to accept OpenStreetMap contributors who find themselves dissatisfied with its default licence.

We want to focus on a particular country at first, which is Canada.  Why?

     * It has quite a comprehensive open data catalogue;
     * It appears to have a compatible licence;
* It also has a rigorous "foreign key" model, which bodes well for roundtripping back to government; * It's the home of Refractions Research, the custodian of PostGIS which is a good friend of mine; * Finally, it helps that Sam Vekemans is our enthusiastic man on the ground over there.

We want to get as much of Natural Resources Canada's GeoBase and Canvec publications into the CommonMap database as we can, and use Canada as a showcase country for what CommonMap can uniquely do.

The "proof of concept" API instance is currently at http://api.development.i386.commonmap.org/
It is hosting an overlay of:

     * Natural Earth Data;
* Some sample Geobase National Road Network, National Hydro Network and Land Cover datasets.

(Hint: look up Victoria, British Columbia[1] for an example of all 3 datasets together.)

Next comes the challenge of ramping up to a public launch. The core of CommonMap is a web-facing API and its "one true" database, a download site for XML full copies of that database, and a map tile server with its optimised database. To run this at public scale will demand about 8-10 CPU cores and associated storage, or about US $10,000 per year.

Let's face it, we will require a higher rate of donations to do this. If you believe in the idea of CommonMap, a good way to show your support is to donate to CommonMap Inc. (CommonMap Inc is the non profit body that operates the CommonMap internet resources.)

Potential donors, please head this way:

Even if you can't spare the cash, perhaps you can spare your skills or tools, whether they be in geodesy, obtaining or converting geodata imports, running up database or tile servers, or developing applications? Let us know.

Please feel free to forward this news to whoever you wish.

I welcome all comments: You can make further enquires by return email, the commonmap.org website, or "CommonMap" at LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Sam Vekemans also has a group blog for CommonMap set up at Posterous.


http://api.development.i386.commonmap.org/?lat=48.821&lon=-123.574&zoom=9&layers=B0000FTF <http://api.development.i386.commonmap.org/?lat=48.821&lon=-123.574&zoom=9&layers=B0000FTF>

Brendan Morley
President, CommonMap Inc.
morb...@commonmap.info <mailto:morb...@commonmap.info>
Queensland Incorporated Association 37762
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