On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Connors, Bernie (SNB)
<bernie.conn...@snb.ca> wrote:
> Hello,
>                 I have been asked on short notice to give an OSM
> presentation to some government employees here in New Brunswick.  I would
> like some data or graphics (or video) that shows the growth of OSM data in
> NB over the past 5 years.  Can anybody help?  My presentation is Thursday
> morning, March 17th.
>                 I am already aware of the 2008 video showing world wide OSM
> contributions and I’ll use that if I can’t get info specific for New
> Brunswick:
> http://vimeo.com/2598878

Dear Bernie,

What resolution do you need?  For example, if you will be using a
1024x768 projector, no use in having an HD animation.

Also, here is an animation of part of Ontario for OSM over time.


Best regards,

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