You've probably seen my name come up quite often in the Kamloops area,
so I will introduce myself a bit. I did the NRN import (government
roads) for Kamloops, but I live in Chilliwack. It took a great deal of
time (about a week, I believe) to merge the NRN data with the data
that was already existing in the area. I don't personally mind if you
import a legally cleared source for the area, and will try to answer
any questions you have about what I had imported. I believe Samuel
Longiaru lives near Kamloops, so you should definitely hear his
opinion before going too far.

I've taken a look at some of the data you've imported, and my comment
so far would be to clean up the tags. You have tags that aren't used
in OSM, as well as tags that have all capital letters. If you could
convert the tags to match the OSM standards, that would be great. Also
delete tags that OSM doesn't want or need (like Shape_Area= and
Shape_Leng=, etc)

See for an
incomplete-but-most-of-what-you-need listing of key value tags.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Matthew Buchanan
<> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm a new user to OSM and I've been enjoying it so far. I have done some
> edits to various places in BC that I know well. I posed a question, seen
> below at the OSM forum regarding data from the City of Kamloops that is
> freely available. I received permission from the GIS Coordinator at the City
> to use whatever data I want .
> I thought I'd discuss it on this list as well. So far I've only imported a
> subset of building outlines, trees, and parks. I went through the data to
> clean it up before I imported using JOSM.
> Are there any users from the Kamloops area here?
> -- Matthew Buchanan
> -- Kamloops, BC
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