Hello Everyone

A new OSM group will meet on Tuesday January 31 , 7:00 PM at Coco Latte in
the old Quebec Street Mall.

For more information http://www.meetup.com/Waterloo-OSM/events/47592742/


John Kerr

"Almost every major stock exchange uses it. Half of the world's trades
happen on Linux.  They're not using Linux because it's low cost, but
because it's the most reliable.  We sell it as "it's cheaper but better."
Some people think, "it's that hobbyist stuff, it's that cheap stuff."  But
the most technically sophisticated clients in the world use Linux.  You
don't run mission-critical operations on
You just don't.  Submarines, missile defense systems, and stock exchanges
run high end Intel <http://www.businessinsider.com/blackboard/intel> chips
on Linux." Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst.

Time to dump Skype! My new voip homes are:
ekiga: sip:jker...@ekiga.net
Jitsi: sip:jker...@iptel.org.
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