Hi I would like to introduce myself to the group. I currently live in
Kanata, I've been mapping trails and paths in Kanata while biking, as
many other users do as hobby, I thought it would be interesting to add
those unmapped trails somewhere and I found OSM project.
Basically I'd like to check if I'm doing it all right.

Talking about mixed paths where both walking and biking is allowed, I
was following the same descriptions of nearby paths, i.e.
highway=footpath; bicycle=yes, but I found in the wiki that it is
better set them as highway=path, bicycle=yes, foot=yes. That means
updating several existing paths. Is that okay?

Also we have some recognized mountain bike trails as result of a great
work carried by the Ottawa Mountain Bike Association. I'd like to add
trail names and other mtb related info.

Finally I'm adjusting some natural features like green areas that had
been reduced due development, new construction sites and clear cuts.
Some areas already have streets and houses mapped, some are
recognisable on bing aerial images but some aren't. I'm just concerned
about the lack of official source, since in some cases the source is
what I see.

I appreciate any help or guideline.



Daniel Marques

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