> -----Original Message-----
> From: webmas...@the506.com [mailto:webmas...@the506.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 10:51 AM
> To: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: [Talk-ca] Proposed import: Service New Brunswick address data
> Hello...long time reader, first time poster. You may know me as the one
> who did (sometimes botched) the bulk of Canvec imports in New Brunswick.
> That job was completed last week.
> As you may be aware, Canvec does not include road name or addressing
> data in New Brunswick. I have generally been using a combination of the
> StatsCan and Service New Brunswick databases to add road names by hand.
> It was a long and arduous process that took over a year, but it's
> finished.
> Service New Brunswick maintains a publicly-available geocoded database
> of civic address points in the province (http://www.snb.ca/gdam-
> igec/e/2900e_1f_i.asp), and their license
> (http://www.snb.ca/gdam-igec/e/2900e_1e_v.asp) is compatible with OSM.
> My experience is that the database is very accurate in urban areas, but
> there are still a lot of gaps in rural areas. Any records that do not
> currently have a civic number attached will not be imported, and
> duplicate addresses will be ignored.
> There are currently very few addresses in NB in the OSM database. They
> are mostly in downtown Fredericton and uptown Saint John, and those
> areas will be checked by hand to avoid duplicates. In the rest of the
> province, an attempt will be made to merge the data with existing ways
> whenever possible.
> Each point would have the following tags:
> addr:housenumber=
> addr:street=
> addr:city=
> addr:province=NB
> addr:country=CA
> addr:source=SNB
> addr:SNBid=unique ID from the SNB database

I haven't looked at the data yet, but I would suggest omitting addr:province
and addr:country from an import. That was the conclusion of the Surrey

As these addresses are in a fairly unusual format, could you post a sample
of a rural area and an urban area in .osm or as a shapefile?

Also remember to consult with imports@ when you're working through the
import process.

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