On 07/05/2012 08:03 PM, James Ewen wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 7:16 AM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
>> May I suggest that you "just do it", and go ahead and set it up and
>> that you reach out through other channels for attendees?
>> If you set up the event on an event-service, like upcoming.com or
>> meetup.com, your event will be seen by _people who are looking for
>> events to attend_.  That's awesome, right?  You could help new users
>> learn about OSM and make their first edits.
>> The drawback to advertising your event _only_ on this list, is that
>> not all Canadian mappers are on this list.
> How many OSM mappers in Edmonton are on upcoming.com, or meetup.com?

There was a similar thread about meeting / setting up groups in Quebec
and Montreal.

Please don't forget the OSM resources that already gather such information:
(I updated the first link to include links to AB and Edmonton pages)

Each user's profile page has a link at the left: "Email this user" - use
it to at least let them know where / when you'll meet. *Invite them to
this list*, encourage them to keep updated diaries and if possible,
update the above wiki pages accordingly.

You won't know how many more are out there until you setup events and
advertise them there. This takes time and patience. Facebook and
EventBrite are also often used to organize events, although I don't like
to focus on only one service as they mostly require an account to
confirm or even see the events. I use identi.ca and joindiaspora.com
with good results because most local mappers/friends+colleagues involved
in free software related projects I know are there, and they spread the
word in their respective networks. In Quebec most events around free
software end up at http://www.agendadulibre.qc.ca, it would be
interesting to find out if there is a similar site for Edmonton. Maybe
www.efcl.org has a public calendar of events?

> Upcoming.com is a website that is for sale, and on meetup.com, I can't
> even figure out where OSM might fit in their list. [...] Seems kind of silly 
> when you say it that way, huh?

Not silly at all - just focus on resources you know and get the word out
- go print! Local cafes, community centres, libraires, etc. are great
venues to advertise your gathering. You will probably start small, but
you need to be consistent and very patient :)

>> I encourage mappers in other places to host local events as well.
>> It's fun and a great way to learn from other mappers.
> Yup, it would be good to share ideas and learn from each other, but I
> would think that there's a better chance of communicating with people
> interested in OSM in Canada here than on some other random site.

It depends. Who uses OSM Data? Go to those groups. Many are in one of
the categories (accessibility, cycling, humanitarian aid...) listed here:

You'll find *very* receptive people among groups that need/use such data
and are interested in improving it.

Good luck and please consider coming back here with a small report of
your meeting :)

Fabián Rodríguez
Montreal, Quebec, Canada


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