You're supposed to copy and paste the URL from the table or click on the
link, not copy the link. I'll see if I can clarify that in the


From: Matthew Buchanan [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 8:01 PM
To: Paul Norman
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] New Lower Mainland Imagery sources


I am adding it using the Add Imagery URL. (the + sign) then under TMS URL I
put in:

I leave Zoom empty, then hit ok.

-- Matthew Buchanan
-- Kamloops, BC

On 20 August 2012 18:26, Paul Norman <> wrote:

What string are you adding to the imagery list? Are you adding it in the
preferences window itself or opening the Add Imagery URL dialog?


Tagging presets are under the third tab down in preferences.


From: Matthew Buchanan [] 
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 1:46 PM
To: Paul Norman
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] New Lower Mainland Imagery sources


I haven't been able to get this to work. I add it to my list of layers in
Preferences, Imagery Preferences. It shows up in the Imagery menu, but then
I get multiple layers showing up in the layer list and they keep duplicating
themselves until JOSM runs out of memory. 

Also, I'm don't know how to add the preset zip file into JOSM.

-- Matthew Buchanan
-- Kamloops, BC

On 18 August 2012 12:15, Paul Norman <> wrote:

After some technical and legal work, I now have a number of imagery layers
hosted on a rented server.

These layers cover from Vancouver to Hope in 20cm or better and Lions Bay to
Pemberton as 40cm or better. 10cm imagery is available for Vancouver,
Richmond, Ladner, West Delta, the North Shore, Whistler and Surrey.

Most of the imagery was taken in 2009, but Surrey is from 2011.

I've prepared a page with links to the imagery and Potlatc2 and JOSM URLs at

Some layers may be slow initially loading at high zooms as they may need to
fetch from a remote server.

An example of two layers from there and Bing is Starting in the top
left going clockwise the layers are Surrey2011, DataBC bc_gvrd_east_2009 and

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