You may want to also keep an eye on

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 1/20/2013 10:03 AM, wrote:
As requested, I would like to give an explaining statement on those Canadian 
powerlines which I have edited so far. Personally, I was driven by the 
intention to achieve a similar standard of quality for all parts of the world, 
including Canada.

Until 2012, very small pieces of powerline have been gradually imported from 
CANVEC database. They did not have any towers. They had intersections with 
other powerlines which would immediately break electrical devices in reality.

In 2012, I have merged and realigned some Canadian powerlines according to 
their logical layout. As one powerline usually connects two substations, it 
does not make sense to split it into many small pieces. A typical 
double-circuit powerline (6 cables) usually has three segments: two feeders at 
the first substation, one long trunk line between both substations and two 
feeders at the other substation. A single-circuit powerline (3 cables), which 
is more vulnerable to outages, directly connects two substations without any 
feeders. Each circuit has its own entrance to the substation in order to enable 
a quick response in case of breakdown. Circuits are usually arranged according 
to their voltage, e.g. 230kV circuits on the West side and 120kV circuits on 
the East side. Within a substation, one or several transformers are connecting 
these circuits.

How can you distinguish single and double circuits? The following photo shows a 
typical powerline in Toronto, Canada:
This is a double-circuit powerline: on the left (northern) side is circuit 
L14W, on the right (southern) side is circuit L13W. L indicates a powerline 
originating in Leaside Substation, W indicates a powerline arriving in 
Wiltshire Substation. 13 and 14 are line numbers. L13W;L14W ist the reference 
for the double circuit running through power tower number 39.  On the right 
side, you can see another single-power circuit (3 cables) called L 15W. All 
towers usually have subsequent numbers, however, within substations they may 
have additional letters like 37B. ref=37B would be the appropriate tag for this 

L13W, L14W and L15W are 115kV powerlines, as 230kV powerlines usually have numbers 
>200 and 500kV powerlines usually have numbers >500. This numbering scheme 
applies for Ontario only.

In Quebec, powerlines usually have a four-digit number where the first digit 
indicates the voltage. The following construction announcement displays the 
power network in Québec City:
You can see single-circuit 735kV powerlines, double-circuit 315kV powerlines 
and some single-circuit 69kV powerlines. Le Poste des Laurentides has a 
northern section for 735kV powerlines, a central section for 315kV powerlines 
and a southern section for 230kV powerlines. There is a small segment where a 
230kV powerline (circuit #2369) and a 69kV powerline (circuit #757) are joint 
by sharing the same towers, so there is a short double-circuit segment. It 
would make sense to create a relation for those two powerlines

Each voltage was considered as an optimal solution in the year of construction: 
69kV lines in 1910, 230kV lines in 1940, 735kV lines in 1970. Changing the 
voltage would require some billion-dollar investments, so power companies are 
trying to keep their electrical devices as long as possible for economic 
reasons. However, HydroQuebec is gradually going to replace its old 69kV 
powerlines with new, more powerful 230kV powerlines. For example, Poste 
Lemoilou, a new substation in Québec City, is scheduled to open soon. As you 
can see, construction announcements contain a lot of useful information that is 
worth being integrated into OSM.
A single piece of powerline is easier to maintain in case of lifecycle update 
(e.g. decommission). However, I do not object to the reconstruction of merged 
powerline segments if you are willing to maintain them. You are invited to add 
or verify tags for Canadian powerlines which I have described above. Each 
substation has a label with its (bilingual) name, its address, its operator, 
and many more useful informations.
Even substations of underground cables like Lakeshore Jarvis are labelled.

Yours, cordialement and with best regards,
FK270673, also known as mapper #42429

P.S.: Je prie les utilsateurs québecois de me pardonner une annonce anglophone 
même s'il concerne tout le Canada.

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