Everybody remembers how the OSM community made the news in jan. 2010 
with mapping for the Haiti Earthquake. Since then, the Humanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has continued collaboration with various 
humanitarian NGO's and UN agencies to support humanitarian organizations for 
various disasters and humanitarian relief. 

The recent 
military conflicts in Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali and Syria have 
created a very complex humanitarian situation. There are presently  
hundred of thousand of people displaced and new people are displaced 
regularly. It is also very dificult for NGO's to circulate on the 
territory. The logistic to respond to these humanitarian needs 
necessitates good base maps that are generally not available in these 
countries. Then, the OSM community is very sollicited to collaborate to 
map rapidly these areas
 since the commercial mappers neglect these areas.

The HOT team 
recently activated humanitarian mapping support for these three 
countries at the request of the United Nations Office for the 
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for Mali (UNOCHA) and humanitarian 
organizations. With this very particular situation, we thought of asking
 other OSM contributors to collaborate to mapping these countries.

You can see the articles published on the HOT Blog to describe these 
- http://hot.openstreetmap.org/updates/2013-02-01_Mali_Activation

The OSM Tasking Manager facilitates the coordination of the various remote 
mappers. We invite the OSM community in general to help the Humanitarian 
OpenStreetMap Team respond rapidly to this situation. Below are links 
to Task Manager jobs for these three countries.

- http://tasks.hotosm.org/#all/Congo
- http://tasks.hotosm.org/#all/Mali
- http://tasks.hotosm.org/#all/syria

Other then 
base mapping of various areas, we are asked to geolocate various Basic Services 
Utilities (ie.
Health facilities, Schools, Water points). This information is crucial for 
humanitarian organizations and we are looking for
volunteers with local knowledge of these countries to help us on this topic.
These mapping activities are lead by HOT members described below and
 coordination is generally done via the HOT distribution list 

- Democratic Republic of Congo : Pierre Béland with Claire Halleux has HOT 
contact in DR Congo

- Mali : Pierre Béland and Frédéric Bonifas
- Syria : Joseph Reeves
- Support to these teams by Nicolas and Kate Chapman

Please join us!

Pierre BélandHumanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Talk-ca mailing list

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