OSMF chairman Simon Poole blogged on May 7, 2013: *“Now, with the new
editor and our plans for new hardware, we’re stepping up another level to
make OpenStreetMap, not Google, the default choice for mapping and map
data.” *
Started as an initiative by some community members, four Openstreetmappers
are currently thinking about the future of Openstreetmap. How might
OSM look like
in 2020? Is it necessary and, if so, possible to compete with a 50 bln
dollar company which can buy anything it wants? What can people, interested
in geographic data, achieve when they cooperate? Is there a need to
increase the feeling to be part of a community? How can we get people to
use Openstreetmap apps and improve the data?

The four Openstreetmappers are Clifford Snow (USA), Markus Semm
(Germany), Dermot
McNally (OSMF board member, Ireland), Dave Corley (Ireland) and Johan de
Ruijter (The Netherlands). We would like to enlarge this 'future team' to a
group of about 10 people, preferrably geographically spread around the
globe. If you are also interested in thinking about the future of OSM, and
have enough time to spend 1 to 2 hours per week on this till Summer 2014,
then you're most welcome to join us by sending a mail to osm...@gmail.com.
You can find more info in the wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/

Dermot, Clifford, Dave, Markus, Johan


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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