I've been setting up a new server and setting up new imagery and other 
resources for the OSM community. 

One that's basically finished is some stuff making use of the City of 
Kelowna data, published under the PDDL. 

I've put up a page demoing what I've done at 
http://tile.paulnorman.ca/kelowna.html. I have an overlay generated from 
the city road and lanes data and imagery also from the city. A close-up 
example is http://tile.paulnorman.ca/kelowna.html#20/49.8873/-119.4972.

You can switch to an OpenStreetMap background, although this only goes 
to zoom 19. The road names are in caps because that's how the data comes.

I'll be adding these layers to the editors soon, once I make certain 
everything is stable and make a few setup tweaks. Along those lines, 
don't be too surprised if there are intermittent issues while I get 
everything setup! I'm also thinking of asking Firefishy to point 
tile.openstreetmap.ca at the host because I plan on putting a number of 
Canadian layers there. 

I know there is some desire for the City of Nanaimo imagery and other 
imagery licensed under OGL variants, but until we figure out if their 
licenses are compatible with the ODbL I'm holding off because we can't 
use them with OpenStreetMap yet. 

Technical details: 

The imagery is an ECW file, served and cached with mapproxy in front of 
mapserver. The overlay data is downloaded and imported into postgresql 
with a script, cleaned up in postgres, and then served and cached with 
mapproxy and rendered with mapnik. 

The relevant scripts are at https://github.com/osm-ca/road-overlay-scripts 
and https://github.com/osm-ca/mapproxy-config-faramir. 

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