Both landuse=forest and natural=wood may be used to indicate an area with
trees. There are differing views about what the tags mean, so it is possible
for one person to sensibly use landuse=forest to map something while a
different person would use natural=wood to map that exact same thing.


From: Adam Martin [] 
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 11:19 AM
To: Simon Mercier
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Parc Summit Montréal


Bonjour Simon!

Forgive my lack of ability in writing french - hopefully it won't make a
difference. Took a look at the area that you are referring to. The area that
is designated as the park is a "Forest" while the other overlapping area is
designated as "Wood". From looking over the maps provided by the City of
Montreal (, it would appear
that the overlap is incidental - the park area includes much of the green
space boxed in by the road and administrative boundary, but not all of it.
In fact, the park is separated from the administrative boundary by a small
gap. It appears that it should actually be connected to that boundary.

The use of "Forest" is odd - this is a designated park and would likely be
better suited to be noted as amenity=park. It is arguable that "Forest" is
not the predominate use for the area as that tag tends to be used for areas
that are managed by humans for the purposes of harvesting. Is having the
landuse here actually necessary? Using the amenity tag for a park appears to
override the Forest tag with the actual use of the land (for recreational

Hope that helps.




2014/1/10 Simon Mercier <>


Je me demande s'il s'agit d'une erreur ou simplement "circonstanciel"?
Est-ce qu'il s'agit pour un d'une limite "administrative" de parc (20187021)
et l'autre de la forêt(189610345)?    Ça me semble tout de même ambigu!


simon mercier
co-fondateur solutions mapgears
2383 che ste-Foy bur 202 québec, qc
canada G1V1T1

m_418_559_7139 /

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