Welcome to OpenStreetMap Adam!

Good to see another user in BC. I look at this map on the ITO site to see
what's new in southern BC. it seems like there are more edits these days.

-- Matthew Buchanan
-- Kamloops, BC
-- OSM user: mattropolis

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Adam Williamson <ad...@happyassassin.net>wrote:

> Hi, folks! I thought it'd be a good idea to sign up for the list and
> introduce myself, as I've recently started dabbling with contributing to
> OSM in my area.
> I'm Adam Williamson, I work for Red Hat on the Fedora Linux
> distribution, and I live in Joyce-Collingwood in East Vancouver. I'm
> mainly interested in 'scratching my own itches', for now at least -
> trying to do what I can to make OSM a more viable GMaps alternative for
> my uses.
> I ride transit, so obviously a big problem is that (AFAIK) there isn't
> an OpenTripPlanner server for Vancouver, and I've been looking into the
> possibility of running one (I've registered the domain vanplan.ca to
> possibly host this in future if it looks viable). I also tend to use
> GMaps a lot to look up businesses or other places I'm going to, and
> that's the kind of data I'm likely mostly going to be adding to OSM (if
> I have the time to keep it up!)
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