I'm asking the question here since I'm in Canada and can't quite find an
appropriate mailing list. This is a (rather lengthy) question about the
best workflow to show trail information using osm data, leaflet, and gpx

I contacted someone at a local volunteer organization that maintains
mountain biking/nordic skiing/snowshoeing trails in the Ste-Adèle area
in Québec. They were nice enough to give me their gpx tracks for all the
trails and I gave one of them a "working with OSM" tutorial in return.
At least one person in that organization is interested in using osm.

I've been wanting to practice using leaflet and decided to use their
data to make a sample trail viewer that would show the elevation profile
in a popup (using D3) for the different trails. I figure this is good
practice for me and if I can show them something nice they might be more
interested in contributing to osm regularly.

Specific question:
We don't store elevation data in osm in a standard fashion and I was
hoping I could show the volunteer organization a tentative alternate
workflow that would be as little work for them as possible and also give
them an incentive to keep the osm trail data accurate. Currently, they
use their gpx tracks as the master data and load those on handheld
(commercial) gps units when navigating around to do trail clean up and
other stuff. They also use the gpx data in a commercial software to
generate pdf maps that are distributed on their website.

I wanted to use leaflet and d3, thinking I could create geojson
polylines (from the osm data) that I show on top of osm image tiles so
the trails would be clickable. Clicking/hovering a given object would
show elevation data. Now, the elevation data is not stored in osm, so
the volunteers would have to keep the gpx files around, which is more
annoying if there's a change to a trail or a new trail.

Now, I've found a leaflet plugin that uses d3 to overlay a gpx and show
elevation data (https://github.com/MrMufflon/Leaflet.Elevation), though
that actually gives them an incentive to *not* have the trail data in
osm (otherwise the trails might show up twice when looking at the map:
in the osm image tile and from the gpx overlay).

I'm (obviously) having a hard time formulating a concise question. I
guess I'm wondering if there's been some thinking about the best
workflow in such a situation.

Any help would be quite appreciated. I might look in the leaflet
community as well to see if this topic has shown up there.



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