On 14-08-28 01:44 AM, James Ewen wrote:
> OSM is a living entity that changes.

I know this, James. But an edit should change the map for the better.
There were trails along Horne Lake, trails with boardwalks and bridges
that I walked and mapped by hand. But that work's gone — foom! —
replaced with an imported "Horne Lake, v1" with land use polygons that
aren't even clipped to the lakeshore.

> So have a bit of a look into what CanVec is … You'll find
> these artifacts all over.

I'd like to suggest that, if an import breaks a country into
Minecraft-like square blocks, you're doing it wrong.

Many of the import guidelines were broken here, too. Is the CanVec
import process described in the wiki moribund? If there had been some
discussion here about imports in the 041J locale, I'd have relished the
opportunity to help fuse imported and source=survey data.

> Large complicated polygons abound in the OSM database. They just need
> to be dealt with appropriately.

Import/Guidelines recommends simplifying shapes
and MapShaper — the suggested tool — uses a couple of appropriate

> Everyone's contributions are
> appreciated, but occasionally we bump into each other.

Yeah, but as a pedestrian, I stood no chance against CanvecImports'


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