Hi all,

I was in touch with the organizers of the Toronto MappyHour and they
suggested I post this here ---

My name is Dawn Walker, I am a Graduate Student at the Faculty of
Information at UofT. I’m helping run a free event to introduce students
to free/libre/open source software on February 28, 2015 at University of
Toronto: Open Source Comes to Campus in conjunction with OpenHatch

We're looking for people to help mentor attendees in a variety of ways
as they learn how to contribute to open source projects:


    <https://openhatch.org/wiki/Open_Source_Comes_to_Campus/Curriculum>on topics
    like open source community norms, issue trackers, IRC and git


    Participation on a Career Panel


    Lead a contributions workshop
    a specific project (in this case potentially Open Street Map!)


    Or, volunteer to support attendees throughout the day!

The event run from 10am - 5pm, with coffee, tea and socializing for a
half hour beforehand (Mentors don't need to show up at 9:30am sharp, but
should be there by 9:45). Here are links to find out more about the
Event <https://events.openhatch.org/events/2>and Code of Conduct

Instructors with a variety of backgrounds are welcome: while it's great
if you have tons of experience using git and setting up development
environments, we're also looking for people who've been involved with
open source as non-programmers, who know a bit about picking bugs and
submitting patches, or who just like to talk about their experiences
with open source.

If this sounds interesting to you, and you're available on February 28
please email me back at dawn.wal...@utoronto.ca
<mailto:dawn.wal...@utoronto.ca> and/or sign up on our Event Page
I'd love to answer any further questions you might have!

Hope to hear from you,

Dawn Walker

MI Candidate, Faculty of Information

University of Toronto
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