On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 9:25 AM, Jonathan Crowe
<jonathan.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But it's safe to say
> that everything else in Ontario can be rendered as a King's Highway, if the
> number is less than 144 or in the 400s. (Secondary routes have higher
> numbers in the 500s and 600s.)
> In Quebec, any route number less than 100 or more than 400 is an autoroute;
> everything else gets the standard route shield. In Manitoba, provincial
> roads are numbered 200 and up; anything 199 or lower is a trunk highway.
> Similar rules apply in Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia:
> the number indicates the class of route and related marker.

Secondary highways disappeared in Alberta in 2000-2001... everything
that used to be a secondary is a primary highway now.

#1 to 216 are the Primary Core Highways...

#500 to 986 are the Primary Local Highways...

Nothing really has changed except the higher number series used to be
under municipal jurisdiction, now it's provincial.

Badging is still the same as before the juggle.



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