I thought I read on this list in the past that OSM had permission directly from NRCan to use the CanVec data. 


BTW, the GeoNB Open Data Licence in New Brunswick is more permissive with its attribution clause. We use "should" instead of "must"‎ therefore it is not a requirement, just a suggestion. 


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
From: john whelan
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 8:19 PM
To: Bruno Remy
Cc: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Federal licence : Confusion

The agreement between CANVEC and OSM was drawn up before the .odbl license and change to the uploading procedure which says any data uploaded to OSM can have its license changed.

I'm of the opinion that the CANVEC licensed data cannot now be imported into OSM under the new conditions however others in Talk-ca have said that I don't know what I'm talking about.

In other words don't ask, don't tell and let's face it without the CANVEC data there would be very little left.

Cheerio John

2015-10-11 19:06 GMT-04:00 Bruno Remy <bremy.qc...@gmail.com>:
[English message will follow]

Bonjour à tous,

OpenStreetMap utilise les données de CANVEC.
Les données ouvertes de CANVEC proviennent de Ressources naturelles Canada.
outes les données Ressources naturelles Canada sont assujetties à la Licence du gouvernement ouvert – Canada.
La Licence du gouvernement ouvert – Canada comporte une clause d'attribution contraignante pour OSM et incompatible avec notre licence ODBL.

Alors? Que fait-on? ....
Hi folks,

OpenStreetMaps imports CANVEC data.
CANVEC OpenData are provided by Natural Resources Canada.
All Natural Resources Canada data are subject to the Open Government Licence – Canada.
Open Government Licence - Canada includes a restrictive attribution term witch is not compatible with our ODBL licence.

So ... What ? .....

Bruno Remy

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