Hi everyone,

I'm helping coordinate the Canadian Red Cross' use of GIS in their
activities responding to the Fort McMurray fires. Staff has been very busy
but we're ramping up and exploring options for how to leverage different
tools and data sources to support the Red Cross operations. The focus is on
the evacuees, many of which have dispersed to distant locations around the
country. When residents are allowed to return to the town and longer-term
recovery activities become a priority, I foresee having an excellent OSM
base layer as being a valuable asset. Both for facilitating operational
decisions, and demonstrating the power of the OSM community and easily
accessible geo-data with an open license!

I would love to connect with those involved in coordinating the current
tasks up on http://tasks.osmcanada.ca/. Is the best channel of
communication through this list or via Skype or some other means?

All the best,
Dan Joseph

GIS Officer | International Services | American Red Cross
Skype danielbjoseph  |  Twitter @danbjoseph  |  OSM ID danbjoseph
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