After talking to them I'm not clear they understand enough about what they
want and have a clear understanding of how to get it.

The information you supplied will add to their knowledge and that may help
shape their expectations.

I think they have some expectations but I'm sure it will unfold over time.

Thanks John
On 15 Jun 2016 6:14 pm, "Paul Norman" <> wrote:

> On 6/15/2016 3:08 PM, john whelan wrote:
>> Thank you Paul I think that sums up the issue nicely, someone at Stats
>> Canada is going to have fun working out which tags are relevant to them
>> especially when some may be a different way to express the same thing.
>> Plus of course we have amenity=library etc which might not be tagged as a
>> building at all.
>> Fun times, I'm glad I'm retired from Stats Canada these days.
> Well, the problem is that the question you asked isn't really what they
> want to know. I'm not quite sure what they do want to know, but they're
> asking the wrong question here and getting a useless answer.
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