Hello everyone,

In brief, as we have presented it before, we will launch the project in October 
with an outreach campaign starting in September.
Canadians will be invited to use OSM to provide information about buildings.

We met with a few of you two months ago and we received some very good feedback.
Now, we have moved along in the planning stages.

Some feedback from John and others were given to us that it would be best if as 
many as we can of the footprints be imported in OSM before we invite the public.
We have been talking with the City of Gatineau and the City of Ottawa. We have 
received footprints of buildings from the City of Ottawa.
A file containing about 16 000 large buildings is online on their open data 
portal: http://data.ottawa.ca/en/dataset/large-buildings

We also obtained another file with footprints containing over 300,000 
buildings. This one has buildings not in OSM yet.
We will release it very soon through the open.canada.ca portal. In order to 
import, the data is being made available to everyone but we are also taking a 
look at it internally and will help in bringing those buildings over to OSM.
Importing available data is the first step.

The City of Gatineau will join in the efforts at some points and they will also 
release footprints.

We will launch an outreach campaign in September with a website to invite 
Canadians to participate. We will also have a tool with iD that the public will 
be able to use.
The start of the project will be October.

I will say more later.

Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD

Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l'exploration et 
l'intégration de données (LEID)
Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les 
Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
(343) 998-3004

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