Bon points Jean-Denis,
Les descriptions techniques aident souvent. Dans les cas où j’ai utilisé cette 
source de données, elle référait souvent aux lotissements mais la carte des 
lotissements (matrice graphique) ne peut être utilisée dans OSM (licences).
L’autorisation expresse du/des Ministère(s) concerné(s) serait parfaite! On 
peut toujours espérer …

Bonne chance Antoine

From: Jean-Denis Giguere []
Sent: Thursday, 25 August, 2016 08:18
To: Antoine Beaupré
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] broken forests in eastern Canada

Bonjour Antoine,

Pour la limite des parcs, les descriptions techniques des délimitations font 
partie des règlements sur l’établissement des parcs nationaux [1]. Il y a là 
des repères susceptibles d'aider à leur cartographie.
Une autre alternative consisterait à transmettre une demande au Ministère des 
Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs pour obtenir les données géospatiales de leur 
délimitation avec l'autorisation expresse d'intégrer les données dans 

Salutations cordiales,


[1] Voir par exemple,,%20r.%201

2016-08-16 17:04 GMT-04:00 Antoine Beaupré 
hi everyone (allo tout le monde!!)

one of the most frustrating experiences I have with Openstreetmap in
Canada is this ugly forest display:

Just compare how the forests and parks are mapped between the US and
Canada. On our side of the border, you got huge chunks of square forests
that definitely do not reflect the current reality, whereas down south
you clearly see national parks, forests and no weird square things.

I don't really understand how this happened, but it's been there a long
time. I feel it's some Canvec import that went wrong, but it's been
there for so long that it seems people just forgot about it or moved on.

I looked around in the .qc and .ca wiki pages and couldn't find anything
about it, so I figured I would bring that up here (again?).

Are there any plans to fix this? How would one go around fixing this

In particular, I'm curious to hear if people would know how to import
*all* the park limits in Québec. It seems those are better mapped in
Ontario, and I can't imagine those wore drawn by hand..

Thanks for any feedback (and please CC me, I'm not on the list).


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