A faire attention
Dans les zones forestières au nord, au Québec à tout le moins, il y a beaucoup 
de chemins forestiers temporaires pour la coupe de bois. Ces chemins et ponts 
ne sont pas entretenus par la suite. 

J'ai beaucoup cartographié des chemins au nord du Québec. A mon avis, seul les 
chemins principaux doivent être tracés.  Pour les autres, on ne peut se fier 
aux images satellites pour déterminer le statut des chemins.  Sur les chemins 
principaux, des camions hors norme font le transport de bois et ont la 
priorité.  Les routes ne sont en général pas carrossables pour les voitures. Il 
faut au minimum un pickup + CB pour annoncer sa présence aux camions.

      De : James <james2...@gmail.com>
 À : John Marshall <rps...@gmail.com> 
Cc : Talk-CA OpenStreetMap <talk-ca@openstreetmap.org>
 Envoyé le : Dimanche 11 Septembre 2016 14h59
 Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Canvec attributes (roads)
Plus it would help identify which parts and canvec are actually needed vs 
importing a bunch of forests and hoping for some roads
On Sep 11, 2016 2:48 PM, "John Marshall" <rps...@gmail.com> wrote:

Great idea Martijn,One of the big problems of OSM in Canada is there are many 
missing road where there are no local mappers. Canada is very big. Any tools to 
help map unmapped area of Canada gets a big +1 from me.JohnJohn Marshall
On Sep 9, 2016 17:36, "Martijn van Exel" <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:

Hi all,

A few colleagues at Telenav and myself are looking at Canvec 2016. Roads
specifically. I am sure some of you already have done that. Something we
are looking into a workflow that is something like this (simplified):

Canvec 2016 Shapefiles --> Conflation engine (Cygnus [1]) --> Tasking

The output of the conflation would be an OSM XML change file that could
be (selectively) applied in JOSM. It would contain new / changed ways as
well as some new or changed tags. All proposed updates would be verified
manually (through tasking manager.)

What do you think about this idea?

The conflation engine takes OSM PBF as input, so the Canvec shapefiles
would need to be translated (using ogr2osm). That would require an
ogr2osm translation file. I wonder if someone already did this? (I am
using this [2] attribute list as reference.)

[1]https://www.openstreetmap.o rg/user/mvexel/diary/37808
[2]http://ftp.geogratis.gc.ca/ pub/nrcan_rncan/vector/canvec/ 
doc/CanVec_Catalogue_50K_Trans port/SRDB_EXPL_ESSIM_50K_Trans 
  Martijn van Exel

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