
On 11/11/2016 05:08 AM, Devon Fyson wrote:
> With respect to linking wikidata and OSM, all those properties should be
> added to wikidata if they don't already exist. Then link to it by simply
> adding the wikidata ID in OSM. Then if OSM ever wants to merge wikidata
> in, it can all be done automatically via the wikidata ID. Most of what
> is in that Ottawa example is already in wikidata and so it doesn't make
> sense to duplicate it.

I don't think James was advocating for adding stuff to OSM, but if he
was, yes then I'm totally with you - the Wikidata link should be
sufficient, and we don't want to copy stuff from Wikidata.

(Nor do we want to copy stuff from OSM *into* Wikidata because this
would then make parts of Wikidata ODbL licensed, something that Wikidata
certainly won't approve of.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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