Let me tag onto Denis' suggestion to manually add the data. If you can get
people interested in OSM but sponsoring the update, then you'll have people
that will keep it current. For a town of 8,100 people, it would only take a
small handful to make a huge difference. And OSM is easy enough for the
average person to grasp.

I'be be happy to help setting up the Tasking Manager for your project.

+1 on the suggestion to use Carto or Mapbox to serve the tiles. You could
do it yourself with Geoserver [1], Boundless offers a easy installation
package. But the Mapbox or Carto offers much greater ease and you don't
have to run the server.


[1] http://geoserver.org
[2] https://boundlessgeo.com/

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Denis Carriere <carriere.de...@gmail.com>

> For a village of only 8,100 people, adding the data manually + using
> Tasking Manager might be your best option.
> As for your custom web map, have you considered using CARTO
> <https://carto.com/> [0] or MapboxStudio <https://www.mapbox.com/studio/>
> [1]?
> They are both great web OpenStreetMap based map solutions that can get you
> a web map within no time. Nothing against QGIS... but it's a little clunky
> trying to symbolize all your OSM & custom layers.
> Parcel data shouldn't be imported into OSM, however you can import that as
> a custom dataset into your custom Web map (which would look really slick!).
> Best of luck!
> [0]: https://carto.com/
> [1]: https://www.mapbox.com/studio/
> *~~~~~~*
> *Denis Carriere*
> *GIS Software & Systems Specialist*
> On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 1:22 PM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Treasury Board put a fair bit of effort into an Open Data licence.  The
>> City of Ottawa has adopted it with some minor changes.  At the municipal
>> level the license has been approved by OpenStreetMap's legal working group.
>> I would suggest step one would be to have your data formally approved
>> with this license.
>> Step two might be to have a look on the wiki about how other governments
>> are using OpenStreetMap.
>> Stats Canada is doing a pilot project on buildings so they probably have
>> some analysis tools floating round if you need them.
>> As James has said there is expertise lying around in bringing this data
>> into OpenStreetMap but there is some red tape involved which we can ease
>> you through.
>> Cheerio John
>> On 3 Apr 2017 12:33 pm, "Anatolijs Venovcevs" <
>> gist...@happyvalley-goosebay.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I’ve been a longtime fan of Open Street Map but this is the first time I
>>> ever decided to help contribute to it. I am the GIS technologist for the
>>> Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada -
>>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/53.3085/-60.3463
>>> It’s a small, isolated community of approximately 8,100 people and I’m
>>> the only one with any GIS training and experience. As a result, I’m
>>> responsible for doing just about everything to assist the town in
>>> geospatial-related functions and have a very tight budget and not a lot of
>>> time to them. One of the things there’s been a real interest in is
>>> developing some sort of a basic interactive web map for the town’s public
>>> information (zoning, water and sewer lines, attractions for our tourist
>>> map, etc.). I’m planning on using QGIS plugin qgis2web to do that and use
>>> an OpenStreetMap background.
>>> Before I can do that, OpenStreetMap data for the town needs to be
>>> updated. It looks to me approximately five years out of date and the town
>>> has been experiencing a major boom in the last few years. Currently, the
>>> town has possession of an updated street centerline network (digitized from
>>> 40 cm resolution orthorectified Worldview 2 satellite imagery) and an
>>> up-to-date civic number system with building footprints and parcels for
>>> recreational spaces and etc. coming later this year. I’d like to share them
>>> with the OSM community.
>>> Before I do that, I’m looking for community buy-in for the project. I
>>> will start with manually adding the new streets that have been built over
>>> the last few years and correct any information within the town boundaries
>>> that no longer represents reality on the ground. If that’s ok with all of
>>> you, I’d like to make the OSM web mapping for my corner of Canada a little
>>> better.
>>> Thank you,
>>> *Anatolijs Venovcevs*
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