On 2017-08-01 04:21 PM, Pilon, Michel (SSC/SPC) wrote:
> But at my surprise today I realize that the Great Lakes are not there
> anymore for all zoom levels!

“The Great Lakes were tagged as natural=coastline, even though that is
for the ocean, because the coastline ways are rendered at low zoom
levels. They were changed to water=lake and as a result disappeared from
the default map layer. The correct fix is to teach the default
stylesheet how to render lakes at low zoom levels.”
 — https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tagging_for_the_renderer#Examples

Basically, they're tagged as lakes. But the arbitrary decision to not
render lakes when zoomed out ('cos typically lakes are small, compared
to countries) leads to them not being drawn. It's okay, all is well.
Don't try to retag them.


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