Hello all,

                My apologies if this has already been mentioned on this
list.  The Esri World Imagery basemap is now available as a background
image for OpenStreetMap editors.  In New Brunswick the provincial
government has contributed hundreds of square kilometres of high
resolution, urban air photos to the Esri World Imagery basemap.  There are
thousands of buildings and other features that require editing so they
match the newer, hi-resolution imagery in the Esri World Imagery basemap.
This area in Fredericton is a good example [1] (start an edit session and
choose the Esri World Imagery background).  I posted to my blog with a few
more details [2]

[1] - http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/45.96139/-66.64951

[2] - http://geobern.blogspot.ca/2017/08/esri-world-imagery-in-

Bernie Connors
New Maryland, NB
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